Our Mission
GWDN strive to create a future in which all women will be viewed and treated equally as men, in all aspects of life, civil, political, economic, social and cultural.
Our Vision

The Global Women’s Development Network bonds the empowerment and connection of women locally and globally by building women’s capacity, acting as a promoter for change and leading the way to a non-violent, socially, economically healthy, and diverse society.

Our Objective
To Promote lifelong technical and vocational education for women and girls
To Promote international cooperation, partnership, peace and respect for women and promoting women’s rights, irrespective of their age, race, nationality, religion, political opinion, gender and sexual orientation or another status
To Advocate for the advancement of the status of women and girls
To Encourage and enable women and girls to apply their knowledge and skills in leadership and decision-making in all forms of public and private life.

Our Approach
Our members work in partnership with development, advocacy, and private and civil society organizations throughout the world. Global Women’s Development Network GWDN will enable members to share information and expertise, effectively lobby government and international bodies on women economic empowerment issues and provide expert advice and comment on policies, procedures and projects executions